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    1. Use income vehicles that are not subject to interest
        rate and market fluctuations

    2. Buy guarantees against living too long or
        unforeseen events.

    3. Consider your retirement income from a different
        perspective than saving for retirement.

    4. Allow for cash reserves in times of need.

    5. Avoid paying fees on your entire portfolio.


Learn the 5 strategies are critical to
not losing your life long savings in a
market correction.

Can you survive another market correction?

Retirement income is different
than saving for retirement.
Attend this free workshop and learn how to
keep 1987, 2001 and 2008 from happening to you all over again!
Nav Bar v3 is privately owned and operated by American Retirement Advisors.
We are not a government resource nor do we provide legal or tax advice. We make understanding Retirement Income Planning 123 Easy.     

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