5 to 7 years
before you plan to retire


Meet with a qualified
Retirement Income planner to learn about the
phases of your investment life.

3 to 5 years
before you plan to retire


Meet with a qualified
Retirement Income planner
to begin the process of transitioning your investments from accumulation to preservation.

1 to 3 years
before you plan to retire


Meet with a qualified
Retirement Income planner
to begin discussions about your glide-path to your retirement date.

6 to 12 months
before you plan to retire


Meet with a qualified
Retirement Income planner
to completely update your retirement income planning timeline.

6 to 12 months
before you plan to retire


Meet with a qualified
Social Security planner
to review your current Social Security

3 to 6 months
before you plan to retire


Meet with a qualified
Retirement Income planner
to review your qualified accounts and the requirements to move to a rollover IRA.

1 to 3 months
before you plan to retire


Meet with a qualified
Medicare/Healthcare planner
to review your healthcare choices and begin the enrollment process.

1 to 2 months
before you retire


Meet with a qualified
Retirement Income planner
to initiate your income plan to maintain your cash flow  as you transition to retirement.

1 to 3 months
after you plan to retire


Meet with a qualified
Retirement Income planner
verify your plan is providing you the income you need in your first year in retirement.

Every 6 to 12 months while in retirement

Meet with a qualified
Retirement Income planner
to verify your plan is providing you the appropriate amount of income and update your plan as needed.

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123EasyRetirementIncomePlanning.com is privately owned and operated by American Retirement Advisors.
We are not a government resource nor do we provide legal or tax advice. We make understanding Retirement Income Planning 123 Easy.     

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